Album Wrap Extractor For Windows

Can't Media Monkey handle.RAR.ZIP and AlbumWrap Files? I am not too worried about AlbumWrap MP3 files, because even FooBar can only play the AlbumWrap.MP3 file as one big track until you unwrap it using AlbumWrap Extractor or AlbaExtractor. But.RAR and.ZIP files are another story. My collections is all albums and many of my albums are zipped up in either a.rar file. FooBar will handle either one and play the individual tracks inside or.rar file.
AlbumWrap Extractor is a small and portable application developed to help you extract MP3 audio tracks from album archives created with AlbumWrap, as the name suggests. May 8, 2008 - and to using the AlbumWrap Extractor program to Unwrap them. Pressing the 'Extract Album' button will open up a window where you can.
You can right click the.rar and select Open with Foobar which will play the individual tracks WITHOUT unzipping it to anything but maybe temporary files you never see. You can even drag or.rar into FooBar to add it to the que. Keeping your individual track files makes your disk easier to organize and probably helps to speed up your computer since the operating system has that fewer number of files to deal with until you need to access the music of that particular album. In fact Windows itself will SEE what is in file without using WinZip. Just do a search on file name (F3) and it will find the track or artist you are looking for if the track is named properly inside file.
MediaMonkey does not see or.rar files at all. It won't even show you or.rar file in MY COMPUTER NODE view. I dread thw work of unzipping all my.rar files so MediaMonkey will recognize them. Forklift serial number guide. I would pay extra for this feature.
If Media Monkey could open and play all the tracks in a.rar file, like FooBar can that would be nice. In FooBar you just drag the.rar into FooBar or right click } Open in Foobar and it handles the whole thing automatically.
It does not leave the unzipped files anywhere except for temporary storage so you don't have to zip them back up again. MORE IMPORTANT to me than playing that music inside Media Monkey is the ability to at least SEE the.rar files in the Media Monkey Library interface. Otherwise I won't even know they exist, unless I use Windows Explorer.

To keep it simple Media Monkey could or.rar FILE NAME CONVENTIONS so that it doesn't have to peak inside or.rar file to read TAGS. All my music is organized in folders named Artist and within those folders the folders are named Artist - Album if they contain individual track files. If the music is in or.rar file the file name is Artist - Album.rar and there is no need for the subfolder Artist - Album inside the Artist folder.