Buku Islami Pdf

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Fazlur Rahman's Islam is aptly titled, in that this slim volume constitutes an incisive and surprisingly comprehensive history and analysis of Islam—its history, its conflicts, its legacy—and its prospects. From Mohammed to the late twentieth century, Rahman traces the development of Islam as a religion and, more importantly, as an intellectual tradition, offering both an Fazlur Rahman's Islam is aptly titled, in that this slim volume constitutes an incisive and surprisingly comprehensive history and analysis of Islam—its history, its conflicts, its legacy—and its prospects. From Mohammed to the late twentieth century, Rahman traces the development of Islam as a religion and, more importantly, as an intellectual tradition, offering both an easily understood introduction to the faith and an impassioned argument for its future direction. Fazlur Rahman introduces an Islam that is not known to many: from among its non-believers and a good many Muslims as well. 'Islam' leaves one with an impression of Islam as a religion that needs in depth study and research for one to be able to pass judgement about it. Rahman had adequately put across his point that it would not be possible to correctly understand Islam without developing understanding and knowledge about the historical period it came in.

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The book introduces Islam in detail, its Fazlur Rahman introduces an Islam that is not known to many: from among its non-believers and a good many Muslims as well. 'Islam' leaves one with an impression of Islam as a religion that needs in depth study and research for one to be able to pass judgement about it. Rahman had adequately put across his point that it would not be possible to correctly understand Islam without developing understanding and knowledge about the historical period it came in. The book introduces Islam in detail, its major schools of thoughts, groups, movements, challenges, and numerous early fissures it experienced from within and outside. While adequately defending Islam, its teachings and the social order that it propagates, Rahman has held no bones about the forces that have kept Islam from evolving to remain compatible with the current age's pressing requirements. He has held orthodox Ulemas and lack of education among Muslims for religious fanaticism. He propagates the need for Muslims to make use of the facility of Ijtehaad to find solutions to questions that Islam cannot answer because of brakes to its evolution process in an effort to maintain theocracy's strong grip over it.

To those who are unfamiliar with Fazlur Rahman, he was a Muslim Modernist, i.e., a scholar who believed in Islam to be compatible with the modern culture and institutions. He is well versed in Islam as well as modern scholarship that shows in his works. During 60's he was leading the Islamic Ideology Council in Pakistan but had to be relieved principally due to the opposition of the Reformist, extremist Islamic Party, Jama't-i-Islami, and he then took a teaching position at an American University To those who are unfamiliar with Fazlur Rahman, he was a Muslim Modernist, i.e., a scholar who believed in Islam to be compatible with the modern culture and institutions. He is well versed in Islam as well as modern scholarship that shows in his works. During 60's he was leading the Islamic Ideology Council in Pakistan but had to be relieved principally due to the opposition of the Reformist, extremist Islamic Party, Jama't-i-Islami, and he then took a teaching position at an American University in Chicago).

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The same opposition to his views also ensured that due to influence of that Islamist party, which later entrenched itself in the country's state, intelligence and military institutions for the preferred and central rule they played in the American sponsored Afghan Jihad in the 80's, the works of Fazul Rahamn were never popular as the State machinery that controls media and education always deferred to the sensitivities of the Islamists at the time. For any Muslim as well as non-Muslim reader of the Islam, reading Fazul Rahman should be essential as it would enable one to identify the popular yet overlooked strain of Pakistani brand of popular Islam. Although clearly a dated book considering its 50 years old, still one of the best introductions to Islamic history and its recurring social, political, philosophical problems. The main originality and novelty of the book is that it explains the emergence of Islamic concepts such as fıqh, sunna, icma, kelam, sufism and exegesis by relating to several central questions, tensions, uncertainties and problematiques surrounding the Islamic community, i.e. Mind-body dualism, legal-bureacratic routiniza Although clearly a dated book considering its 50 years old, still one of the best introductions to Islamic history and its recurring social, political, philosophical problems.