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Buku Ajar Politik Hukum. Author: Dana. 5 downloads 87 Views 391KB Size. Recommend Documents. Buku Ajar Hukum Perdata. Hukum perdataFull description. Politik hukum nasional dalam buku Dasar-Dasar Politik Hukum. Politik Hukum. Deskripsi lengkap. Makalah Politik Hukum Islam. Dec 14, 2018 - Download Citation on ResearchGate POLITIK HUKUM ISLAM DALAM SISTEM HUKUM TATA. Request Full-text Paper PDF. Kepemimpinan Dalam Perspektif Syi'ah, Makalah dalam Diskusi Buku di IAIN SGD Bandung.
Catalogue Persistent Identifier APA Citation Marzuki, Suparman. & Sallama, Novietha Indra. Politik hukum hak asasi manusia. [Jakarta]: Penerbit Erlangga MLA Citation Marzuki, Suparman. and Sallama, Novietha Indra.
Politik hukum hak asasi manusia / Dr. Suparman Marzuki; editor, Novietha Indra Sallama Penerbit Erlangga [Jakarta] 2014 Australian/Harvard Citation Marzuki, Suparman. & Sallama, Novietha Indra. 2014, Politik hukum hak asasi manusia / Dr. Suparman Marzuki; editor, Novietha Indra Sallama Penerbit Erlangga [Jakarta] Wikipedia Citation.
Politik hukum hak asasi manusia / Dr. Suparman Marzuki; editor, Novietha Indra Sallama Book Bib ID 6536124 Format Book [text, volume], Author Printer [Jakarta]: PT. Gelora Aksara Pratama, 2014 Description [Jakarta]: Penerbit Erlangga, 2014 ©2014 vi, 279 pages; 25 cm ISBN 627 Notes Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral)--Universitas Islam Indonesia, 2010.
Includes bibliographical references and index. Subjects Other authors/contributors Copyright information ©2014 Dr. Suparman Marzuki.
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Trainingpeaks wko cracked rib. Abstract Welfare state conception has been adopted in the substance of the 1945 Constitution of Republic Indonesia (UUD 1945), that extracted in fourth paragraph of Preambule of UUD 1945, by posting the phrase ‘to improve public welfare' as staatsidee of Republic of Indonesia. In amendment of UUD 1945, UUD 1945 determines economic democracy principles, as prescribed in Article 33 paragraph (4) UUD 1945. In its economic democracy, there is efficiency with justice principle that recognized as capitalistic unsure which lifts the spirit of neoliberalism.
After analysing that corelation, I found and identify that some unsures of neoliberalism has been emulted in some legal policy in economic issued by the Administration of Indonesia, such as privatisation, market regulation, deregulation, and reducing public spending.