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Today, I present to you the ceFFM application, as a thank you to this forum that has always given me so much. It is a little personal project I am working on when I am not doing anything else.
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It mainly was suggested by a friend of mine who is not convinced of 'MioPocket' or comparable other shells for Windows® (Embedded) CE based Sat Nav units, this because of their not Windows® Embedded CE 6.0 fair implementation and their immense RAM hunger and/or missing finger-friendliness, as he said. Abstract: (i) What is ceFFM? CeFFM is a free (as in 'free speech' and also as in 'free beer') absolute finger-friendly shell/menu ( at least I think so ) for Windows® CE (.NET) 5.0 (CE5) and/or Windows® Embedded CE (.NET) 6.0 (CE6) based Sat Nav touchscreen devices with an ARM™ processor equipped board. Hence I titled the project ceFFM. Its skin is based on opensource-ware 'CEMenu'. Its use is governed by GPL License. CeFFM is legal to use, as it consists 100% of freely-distributable content.

It is NOT a replacement for any OEM navigation software. It is just a frontend from which you may among other things launch the navigation software that came with your device or that you purchase separately. (ii) What are ceFFM's main features? Basically ceFFM acts as an 'unlock' for Sat Nav devices (AKA PNAs/AIOs) running either CE5 or CE6. Such devices almost always boot into the manufacturer's software with no way to exit it, meaning that you cannot run any other software; i.e.
The device is 'locked.' Unlocking your device allows you to use it for far more than the manufacturer intended (ex. For music, movies, appointments, other navigation apps, etc.) and more like a PDA. Additionally ceFFM does something your Sat Nav already probably does on its own (launch applications), except that it adds the ability for you to customize your Sat Nav in more ways than you normally can, so that you can launch applications quicker and more easily.
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Mazda 6 atenza for sale. The unit itself is connected inline between the and the, and it downshifts the frequency of the broadcast by a predetermined amount (generally between 10-14 MHz). Power [ ] FMBE is powered from the ACC line that is also connected to the stereo unit so it is only operational when the radio is active. Because the Japanese width has a narrower range than the international standard, the unit may have to downshift the same frequencies by 10 and 20 MHz simultaneously.
For example, ceFFM creates for you up to nine different 'desktops', giving you quick access to more applications than before. (iii) What types of programs does ceFFM come with? CeFFM comes with just nearly three dozens of applications recognized by me as usefull. See list 'Featured Applications' below.
Important: ceFFM does not come with iGo, GarminXT, TomTom, Destinator, Sygic, AutoSputnik, NDrive, Mireo, PolNav or any other commercial navigation software. Icons may be included for them, but not the programs, themselves (since they are not free). Note that ceFFM does NOT replace Microsoft's file-viewers and third-party's flash-player if these are inbuilt by OEM, but uses them. (iiii) What devices does ceFFM run on? Technically, ceFFM should run on any CE5 and/or CE6 based touchscreen device with an ARM™ processor equipped board, where unit's touchscreen has landscape orientation.
CeFFM is NOT intended to be run on mobile devices based on Windows Mobile 5.0 and/or Windows Mobile 6.x, because those Windows Mobile based units' touchscreen has portrait orientation. CeFFM is not hard-coded to any particular brand or configuration, quite reverse. Note that every CE5 and/or CE6 based device is slightly different, though, and due to the great many brands and configurations that are out there, the ease of installation and the number of applications and features that actually work will vary. (iiiii) What is ceFFM's memory footprint? CeFFM respects Windows® (Embedded) CE is made for devices that have minimal memory.