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With PDF Editor you can! - already 15 million Buy the original from CAD-KAS (2003-2019).We are the first who enabled our customers to edit PDF files afterwards. PDF Editor is in use in many companies and on private computers around the world and we have many happy customers of this product. You could be your next happy customer! It does not take more than a few minutes of your time. Do you need an individual software solution?
We can develop the software you want for you. Please send us an email. How do you change PDF files afterwards? Sure it does! It is easy with our PDF Editor.
Cloning of sim software. With PDF Editor you can edit PDF files easily and make changes afterwards. • No need to write everything again, only because a few sentences or a picture needs to be changed. You save yourself a lot of time using PDF Editor.
• If you need to change a price, a phone number or an address, you can do the changes with very little effort with PDF Editor. You save yourself a lot of time and money. • Give a direct feedback to the author of the document what needs to be changed with the annotation functions. No need to describe this in an email, just show them and send them the document back. • Give your customers the chance to fill out your PDF files directly on the computer with the help of the form fields. No need for your customers to first print it out and then fill it out. This makes it more likely that your customers fill out the form.