Extract Scexe File Windows

Sep 13, 2010 - Oh quit wining IT people:) The SCEXE stands for component executable and it is a Linux archive; to extract copy it to any Linux box and use. Nov 20, 2017 - The iLO web interface allows me to upload a.bin file ( Obtain the firmware image (.bin) file from the Online ROM Flash Component for HP.
Hello everybody. I have what I thought should be a relatively straightforward question: What do I type in the command prompt in Win7 to extract all the files from inside an.exe? I remember doing it once a long while back, but I forgot how and Google is being especially unhelpful. One result instructed me to navigate to the file's location and type: filename.exe /A /P C: destinationfolder but that didn't work.

I assumed it was for an older Windows version. Karta cvetov muline dmc kupitj. Google got its hit from a comment saying it didn't work on Win7. Can anybody help? First of all, not all.exes have files that can be extracted. Only those.exes that are SEAs (self-extracting archives) have files to be extracted.
If you want to extract ALL of the files from an SEA the simplest method would be to simply execute the.exe which will do it's thing and extract all of the files within. If you wanted to extract only certain files from the SEA then I could see using some of the 3rd party apps previously suggested. What happens when you simply try to run the.exe? It's possible that the SEA was created for an OS like Win95 or DOS and the embedded version of archiver won't run from within Win 7. Are you sure the file you are trying to extract is an SEA? Wow, thanks for all the responses guys.
Strollin, it was a video driver.exe. There was no.zip version of the file available (at least, I didn't see one, even though there normally is), and I couldn't install it with a.exe version because my laptop is a Dell, and it only accepts Dell drivers despite those being much older than the Intel ones. They must be installed manually. Anyway, WinRar was able to do it.
I could have sworn there was a way to do it via the command prompt, though. Thank you for your help everyone:]. Similar help and support threads Thread Forum The instructions are below. I get as far as the third line, which reads: Type cd 'C: Program Files Common Files Adobe Acrobat ActiveX' and press Enter. It responds, 'path not found.' I paste in this entire line, letter for letter.
Cd 'C: Program Files Common Files Adobe Acrobat ActiveX' Is. Software Hi everyone, After closing our Asus laptop 2 nights ago (but not shutting it down), BSOD appeared with the following message: STOP: C0000135 The program cannot start because%hs is missing from your computer. Trying reinstalling the program.
I've tried many different recovery/repair. BSOD Help and Support Running Windows Hyper-V server I have Windows 7 I just want to run an application (an exe) on this server. How do I move it over? Network & Sharing I have a special case where a user needs to run an installed executable as an admin. This exe was written for XP and will only work properly when ran as admin.