General Udisk Usb Device Driver
Home » General UDisk USB Device. In our share libs contains the list of General UDisk USB Device drivers all versions and available for download. To download the proper driver by the version or Device ID. If not found in our garage driver you need, please contact us.
Is it possible it's just a broken card? Either way, it's been modified in an unknown way. If they're registering as 64gb, there's not much any of us can do that will make it work properly. I would just junk it.Nah it's not broken, they hack them to make them look larger than they really are, then sell them cheap on E-bay. They're real USB sticks, just smaller capacity.
Im running the test now but Im sure mine is 32GB. It's just 'flashed'? To make it look like its 64gb and it's slower than in the sellers description as well. There is lots of information on how to do it on Google but most of it is dated, the programs aren't available and they all say there is risk involved. So I made this thread to see if anyone has experience in recovering a fake USB. Besides, it was free so there is no harm in trying, right?
If it works, 32GB is still nice. Most likely it is just a partitioning problem.
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First try using windows Disk manager to show partitions and to delete/repartition and reformat the usb drive. Unfortanutly this may not work and you will need A) a third partitioning disk utility, or B) What I use. Use windows cmd line diskpart cmd to remove it (what I had to do for a thumbdrive used on a Mac). If diskpart is what you want to use, be cautious and make SURE it is pointing to the USB drive.

Basically (read this first):. You open a dos command window WITH run with admistrator privlage. Then type the following cmds.
- Diskpart Starts program Do Not type the - (ie diskpart> List disk then enter key) - LIST DISK (shows all disk, look for Disk Number of the Drive (Your USB drive) - SELECT DISK X (For X insert USB drive Number) - DETAIL DISK (Detailed information of the disk that has the focus This will show if you have selected the correct drive.) - CLEAN (One of the most practical and most dangerous: it removes at once all the partitions on the selected disk.) Note for the next two do NOT use the size=n) - CREATE PARTITION EXTENDED (Creates an extended partition on the current drive. After the partition has been created, the focus automatically shifts to the new partition.) - CREATE PARTITION LOGICAL (Creates a logical drive in the extended partition. After the partition has been created, the focus automatically shifts to the new logical drive.) - EXIT (Quits DISKPART and returns to the command prompt classic) You should now be able to format the drive (WITH the correct space) using windows Ref From. Found this rather quickly: From Well, thanks But you didn't read my original post, I think. I already tried diskpart.
It didn't fix the problem I found this though Trying to figure it out now but I don't understand Russian (the site in the link is in English but it leads to Russian sites if you click on the links there) and even after translating it, I still didn't manage to find a program called CBM2098_APToolV6005(2013-08-27). Another dead end, I guess. Oh and I ran the program they suggested there.
So, logically, you think it's 32 because it corupts when you write more than 28? Yea following that it can be 64, it's 50/50. High chance you can try this: Chipsbnk UDisk ABCD 1234 Chipsbank CBM2198A - [2012-12-20] CBM2198A 64 p:// And you seriously think that:abcd 1234: is real but the chip model is fake? From that screenshot I can see you can enter any vid/pid you want as well as manufacturer/model.
So logically chips model is the only 'real' information you have. So, logically, you think it's 32 because it corupts when you write more than 28? Yea following that it can be 64, it's 50/50. High chance you can try this: Chipsbnk UDisk ABCD 1234 Chipsbank CBM2198A - [2012-12-20] CBM2198A 64 p:// And you seriously think that:abcd 1234: is real but the chip model is fake? From that screenshot I can see you can enter any vid/pid you want as well as manufacturer/model. So logically chips model is the only 'real' information you have. I was just following the instructions there.