Hd Loader Ps2 Fat Seri

I just bought this 160 GB one from amazon The network adapter was this one and it came in an unopened original box. I have not had any problems. If you connected it to your computer and it worked fine for formatting it is probably your network adapter or PS2 that is having an issue. Assuming your network adapter is new do you know the history of your PS2? I have only been able to get HDloader to load from USB and I used the latest versiong from SKS apps that state it has God of War and GTA compatibilty.
Also I had HD loader format my Hard Drive, I put it in just the way I got it and it detected and asked to Format. Oh yeah and my hard drive has some lights I can see flashing through the vents on my ps2. Just a heads up I just got a used Network Adapter for under $2 through gamestop.
Hd Loader Ps2 Fat Seri. 2/18/2018 0 Comments. Hook a new 2.5' SATA HDD in your fat PS2. For your PS2 but at all. BTW, Remember using HD Loader 48bit for.
I just got one for my buddy's PS2. Just request a store pickup through their website. Torrent crack watch dogs 2 pc windows 7.
Dirt showdown steam serial keygen crack. It is working fine. I would think your issues is a bad adapter since the drive works according to the compatibility database and it works with your computer. The PS2 connector is probably fine too since you had not used it before and the one review on your amazon link mentions it was used and dirty when he got it. You did tighten the screws when you tried it right? If you start HD loader with no drive does it freeze or give you an error message?
If you know anyone with a PS2 it should be pretty easy to pop it in and see if it works on their console. I could not figure out how to get Winhiip to format the drive, I used HD loader to do that.
IT LIVES I’ll keep this short because I’ll still rather busy with stuff. The BIOS is actually fine, it was (again -_-) the CD Drive.
If it is not connected properly the console doesn’t run I’ve said that already. So yeah, after working on the BIOS, sounded logical that it was a BIOS problem when NOT. It was actually the CD Drive. I tried to turn on the console again after reversing the MOD, and eventually it worked when I held the drive in a specific way I really have these optical disc drives. Special SEGA ones with board that you absolutely need for the console to even start. I kept trying to get the mod done, but eventually I destroyed one of the original BIOS leg and the solder pad under it -_- I really keep screwing this up =P.
But I got it working again, literally destroying a small piece of the BIOS chip, enough to expose part of the leg that goes into the chip, and applying solder to it. Then soldering some wire to it, and to the point where that leg was connected A clusterfuck which I will eventually take photos of and post it here. However, this is not the end of my mistakes and clusterfucks When I was about to finish the final soldering to try the BIOS mod once more, as always I was working with an exposed power supply which this particular time I forgot to unplug from the power socket Idiot me all around. Anyways, the console main board is OK (I think and hope), but the soldering wire I was using kinda touched a screw on a transistor and blew it up actually did make a small explosion. Anyways, the transistor is dead and so is the main fuse on the power supply (which makes me believe the rest is ok that’s what the fuses are there for). But now I had to order a few more components and I have to wait for them a few more days, till I finally fix the power supply and I can finally once again get back to the mods.
I’m a real screw up at this crap =P but in the mean time I’ll try to upgrade a figure 8 cable (use them for every console I can) for having a switch midway so I don’t have to keep pluging and unpluging from the console. It will have a small switch with a light that will hopefully warn me every time I leave the power supplies connected to the power. Hopefully that will help me in the future. [edit] I’ve also scratched the back of the only CD I was able to burn and work with the Dreamshell OS So that’s also a downer. Nooo Nop it is dead. I am terribly sorry to everyone who values these hardware, and I am totally ashamed of myself.
This piece was working properly, with all the original parts This had value (I could have sold it to someone who would value a console on it’s original condition, and bought a faulty one for myself the leftover money might even allowed me to buy a Optic Disc Emulator). The thing is yes I did provoked that short on the power supply, the fuse blew, and I thought the mosfet transistor the solder touched just blew. Without even testing it I ordered equivalent new ones. Look at me all happy with the new pieces.
Small mistake (these were cheap, and I can always use the fuses, pretty standard). When I replaced, the new fuse also blew up. Something was wrong there alright, but it wasn’t the actual piece that provoked the short maybe something else provoked it?