Komfort Travel Trailer Owners Manuals

Hello All, This is my first time on this forum and my first post. I bought my very first travel trailer last week in preparation of doing a lot of camping this summer. I got a good deal on a 1975 Komfort (20 foot) travel trailer that needs work but is in pretty good condition for its age and it looks like so far every thing still works. The problem is I called Dutchman (the manufacturer) and they said they don't have owner's manual that goes back before the 90's. I did some Google searching and eBay, and I have not found anything. Since this is my first RV, I don't know how to operate it and maintain it, so I need the manual. I also tried to find out if the rig has brakes or not, but I can't seem to tell.
Buyers Guides for Komfort RV Motorhomes, including new and used Fifth Wheel, Travel Trailer information and price quotes.
Also I am not 100% sure how much it weights (the title doesn't say), but I think it is about 3500lbs, based on this link. The link is basically the only information I can find on the trailer. My 2000 Mitsubishi Montero Sport (Limited 4WD) has a class 3 hitch and a tow capacity of 5000lbs (which I can up to 6000lbs if I get the Weight Distribution hitch), but I am not sure if I can successfully pull this rig if it does not have brakes (Car owners manual says I must have brakes on anything over 1000lbs). And if I find out if it does not have breaks how easy will it be to install some?
This may not be the right first time trailer for me, and I may need to sell it and find something newer and lighter, if I can't figure out these things. I hope I didn't make a mistake, maybe a tent trailer (which is what I was originally looking at, until this deal came up) would be a better fit since its lighter and easier to maintain. Cara membuat antenna kaleng untuk wifi repeater password.
Anyone here can help me? Thanks so much! Regarding the need for brakes, legally, that is normally dictated by your State licensing authorities. The advise in your owners manual is good in most cases though and at 3500lbs, many, if not all, states/provinces will require brakes on the trailer. The actual weight from a weigh scale would be helpful is establishing your legal requirements first. Code visual to flowchart v6 keygen crack serial generator. Don't forget that almost no one drags around an empty trailer so perhaps you should be using the GVWR of the trailer in determining weight related things.
Can you install brakes? Probably yes, but it may require a new axle, some wiring, a breakaway setup and charged battery on the trailer and a brake controller in the vehicle if one is not already installed. Also, remember that short wheel base vehicles and trailers do not always play well together due to 'the tail wagging the dog syndrome' which makes for an uncomfortable towing experience even though the tow vehicle is capable of handling the weight involved.
As far as manuals are concerned, you will be very lucky to find one for that vintage of trailer. That said, many trailers did not even come with a good, informative manual and for those that did, it was likely very simplified and contained little truly valuable information. If you are expecting to find something like the modern trailers, cars etc, you will be greatly disappointed. I doubt if there would be much of the info you desire in the owner manual, even if you could find one. RV owner manuals, especially for trailers, are pretty much a waste of paper. Does the trailer have the usual pin 7-pin 'Bargman' connector?
Wires running back to the axles and out to the wheel hubs? If so, it has electric brakes. I would be totally shocked if a trailer that size did not have electric brakes, but you will need a brake controller on that Montero.

The weight listed in the NADA guide will be dry (unlaoded0 weight, and probably for the most basic version (no optional equipment). Figure that weight will be low than reality. You need to identify the appliances in the RV and download manuals for those - most will be available. That will cover quite afew things. The rest we can help with, especially if you can provide some pictures of control panels, water valve locations, etc.