Norton Ghost 115 Auto Boot Cd Iso
I have inherited a mess of at our IT office. The previous guy used GhostCast Server to deploy Ghost images to multiple PCs at once, but I can't get it to work (using 3Com PXE to serve as the host for the PXE boot). So, I was thinking it would be easier if I booted the client PC using a Ghost boot disk, ran Ghost on the client & connected to the GhostCast server get the image. But, I'm having a hard time finding out how to create a bootable Ghost CD or USB drive. Most of the info i found online refers to using 'Ghost Boot Creator' which is not installed on our Ghost server. I don't have the original media for Ghost so, I'm at a loss. I could just create a DOS or WinPE boot disk & add the files, but which version of DOS or WinPE should I use for that?
Where can I get the Lenovo NIC drivers (lenovo thinkcentre m81, m82 and m800 desktops and Lenovo t420s, t430s, t440s laptops)? Does anyone have an ISO for a bootable Ghost disk or know where I can get one? I have Ghost v. on our GhostCast Server. Any advice would be appreciated. You need to ask Symantec Support for the bootable USB key.
Symantec Ghost 11. 5 Corporate DOS Boot CD ISO. Norton Ghost 11.5 is a tool for creating backups of your entire hard-drive that can be recovered any time, for example. Norton Ghost, free and safe download. BTW, before using Norton Ghost 15, you should know that it is not suitable/designed for all the new systems and hardware. Bootable Symantec Recovery Disk (ISO format, universal for all Windows versions) along with several working license keys (only for Windows 7 or lower). Or SimplePie was unable to auto-discover it. Use force_feed.
The steps below are to create an image. Just change the selections to recover an image 1. Turn off computer to be imaged. Boot from Bootable USB key. USB hard drive to hold image must also be plugged in.
Start computer, Press F12 to get Boot Menu, Select USB. Ghost will start. Go to Options. (a) Click on Image Tape tab(b) Select Image Boot and Accept(c) Then Local -> Disk -> Image 7. Select source Hard Drive to be imaged (likely already highlighted) 8.
Use the Pull Down at the top to select the image target location. Ensure it is USB Hard drive. Proceed leads to Compress (Yes) and select Default (Fast), then OK 10. After a few minutes, image creation should begin. Shaun, I tried that Ghost 15 boot CD, it's actually a Recovery disk that runs Norton Recovery tools: it doesn't run Ghost. Al.: I was able to get the thing to boot to Ghost finally: I downloaded the USB files from, but, it wouldn't load the NIC drivers. I went through the 'BootCD' instructions on that page to figure out how to load the NIC driver.
Prikaz myu rf -21 dsp ot 15022006 gprikaz myu rf -21 dsp ot 15022006 g 332. Prikaz mz sssr -290 ot 11041972 g metodicheskie ukazaniya po primeneniyu unificirovannyh klinicheskih laboratornyh metodov issle. 9 Issue 4 (2016). 1Prikaz MZ RF № 572n ot 1.11.2012. Prikaz Minzdrava Rossii ot 29 dekabrja 2014 g. № 951 «Ob utverzhdenii metodicheskih. Ob utverzhdenii Instruktsii po organizatsii informatsionnogo obespecheniya sotrudnichestva po linii Interpola: prikaz MVD RF № 786, Minyusta RF № 310, FSB RF № 470, FSO RF № 454, FSKN RF № 333, FTS RF № 971 ot: ofits. Tekst: po sostoyaniyu na 22 sentyabrya 2009 g. Prikaz myu rf ot 03112005 g 204 dsp. Kak stat milliarderom s chego nachinalas karera krupnejshih biznesmenov. Prikaz myu rf -21 dsp ot 15022006 gprikaz myu rf -21 dsp ot 15022006 g| 1472.
So, I dug through the files. The e1000 folder was already there which has the files needed, but the DevID for this NIC was missing. So, I added a line for the device ID and now the NIC loads.
So, now i have a new issue: I can get Ghost to launch when booting from the boot USB flash drive, but the GhostCast options are grayed out. Any ideas why they would be grayed out?
I found one reference online that says NETBIND.COM needs to be run, but that is being run by the bat files on the usb (loaded by loadnic.bat). It's giving me a headache. So, I'm copying the image files to a large external USB drive so hopefully I can boot to the USB, run Ghost & image this stupid pc.
Update on my progress: I am having no luck making my own WinPE USB thumb drive because the Win ADK won't install on my system here at work. I get an error that says I have insufficient privileges to create the installation directory even though I have local admin rights (I have a feeling that it's blocked by policy, since only sysadmins can install some IT management software such as Exchange & SQL Management tools). Since I am a lowly desktop tech, I'm probably not allowed. So, to get this thing going, I googled 'download bootable winpe iso' and found this site: This might be my solution. I burned the Win10 WinPE ISO to a flash drive using Rufus and I will try it. I'll let y'all know how it goes.