Papki Peredvizhki Logopeda
Full Specifications What's new in version 2019 Full list of updates and features: General Publisher Publisher web site Release Date October 24, 2018 Date Added October 24, 2018 Version 2019 Category Category Subcategory Operating Systems Operating Systems Windows XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10 Additional Requirements For 32-bit AutoCAD 2017: 2 GB (3 GB recommended) For 64-bit AutoCAD 2017: 4 GB (8 GB recommended) Download Information File Size 1.66GB File Name External File Popularity Total Downloads 3,891,883 Downloads Last Week 394 Pricing License Model Free to try Limitations 30-day trial Price $210. Autocad 2004 free.
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Geography [ ] Podujevo is located in the northeastern corner of, situated near a regional motorway and railroad which links it to surrounding regions., the capital of Kosovo, is located some 35 km (22 mi) to the south. It consists of Llapi's Hollow and the Albanik mountains in the west, and eastern Kosovo's mountains in the east.
Llapi’s valley is placed between the village of Repa and that of Barileva with a 35 km distance and between Batllava and Llapashtica e Eperme with 12–15 km. Llapi’s jaw is located between Repa and Murgulla (14 km) and from Bellasica to Uglar’s Cape (14 km). Gallapi is placed between Batllava and Metergoc in latitude and from Turiqica to Koliq in longitude. Podujevo is the largest municipality of Kosovo since it covers 633 km 2. Since its territory is compact, it represents a microgeographical entirety. Hydrology [ ] Podujevo counts several, water springs and rivers.
Podujevo is known for its cattle trade and for its battlefields during the Kosovo War. Podujevo is not one of the major cities of Kosovo, but has a good potential to invite tourists from around Kosovo and other foreign places for its beautiful mountains and Lake Batlava.
The most notable river is, the main branch of, which runs through the middle of Podujevo, springing from the Albanik mountains. The source of Llapi is considered to be the village where the rivers of Murgula and Slatina are joined. In the upper part of it, the river runs through steep places but when it enter Llapi’s hollow, its speed is moderated. Llapi river is 82.7 km long up to Sitnica river while most of the river passes through Podujevo’s lands, in a 61 km length. This river is wide from 9 to 12 meters and deep up to 1.2 meters. The river brings an average of 4.9 m 3 per second, however, there are considerable variations with the maximum going up to 25 m 3 per second.
There are other rivers also. Dumnica river is 25.5 km long and fills 87 km 2 and it is used for irrigating. Kaqanolli river is Llapi's most important right branch and it is 32.5 km long, filling 193.6 km2. River fills 315 km 2 and it also flows into Llapi. In 1965 a cascade 40.5 m high was built in order to form an artificial lake — the, which can handle up to 40 million m 3 of water and was primary built for ECK needs, to be used later for consuming purposes. Climate [ ] The climate in Podujevo belongs to the continental zone but alike, it is colder than in other parts of.
The average temperature in Podujevo is 9.6 ̊C. The amplitude is 64.2 ̊C. Month Coldest/warmest month Lowest/highest temperature January -2.1 ̊C -27.2 ̊C August 20.1 ̊C 37.0 ̊C The annual rate of precipitation is lower than that of (784 mm (30.87 in) ) with 697 mm (27.44 in) of raining per year. The most humid month is may with 77.5 mm (3.05 in) and the driest month is march with 42.3 mm (1.67 in). The average snow fal l days are 26 while days with snow mantle are 48.4. The maximum layer of snow is recorded to be 96 cm while the month with a maximum of snow mantle days is February with 11.7 days.