Pdf Studi Kelayakan Ayam Petelur Kampung
2 Sapi Potong (kg) 4,971,300 6,473,820 23.21% 5,277,864 6,877,800 23.26% 3 Kerbau (kg). Sementara untuk ayam petelur masih dalam upaya penjajakan kerjasama dengan. PROPOSAL STUDI KELAYAKAN BISNIS CAFE.pdf. Rumah Permanen, jika bangunan sensus memenuhi 3 syarat sebagai berikut: a. Sebagian besar. Unggas antara lain: ayam kampung, ayam ras, itik, itik manila, burung puyuh, burung merpati, dan. Ayam ras petelur. Praktek pribadinya, bidan, tukang patri, salon kecantikan, studio poto, tukang pijit, pembantu.
This study aims to look at the feasibility of establishing feed mills chicken laying in Payakumbuh terms of marketing, the supply of raw materials, economic and social side of the financial side. This research was conducted in Payakumbuh the object of research is laying chicken breeders in Payakumbuh. Data were analyzed with descriptive analysis to look at the feasibility of animal feed mill in terms of marketing, in terms of raw material supply, in terms of socio-economic and quantitative data analysis to look at the feasibility of animal feed mill in terms of financial, namely using analysis of the Net Present Value (NPV), Ratio Benefits Cost (Cost Benefit Ratio), Internal Rate of Return (IRR).
Results of research conducted on 37 respondents note that the feasibility of fodder plant of aspects of the market and the marketing of fodder plant laying chicken included in the category of decent, from the aspect of raw materials establishment of feed mills chicken laying in Payakumbuh feasible to set, from the social aspect economic feed mill laying chicken in Payakumbuh worthy to open and generate profits, fodder plant feasibility of financial aspect rESULTS Net Present Value (NPV) of Rp. 15.490214 billion. Therefore NPV is greater than zero, then laying chicken factory feasible to set. Value Benefit Cost Ratio (B / C ratio) is 1.03, because the B / C ratio is greater than one, then laying chicken factory feasible to set.
Value Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 32.4%. Because this value is greater than the prime interest rate used is 6.5% then laying chicken factory feasible to set in Payakumbuh.
Keywords: Feasibility Establishment of Plant and Animal Feed Broiler Laying.
The experiment was conducted to examine the effect of various dietary protein levels during starting period (0-9 weeks) on compensatory growth period (9-12 weeks) of crossbred hens between cockerel native chicken and laying hens. Thirty two day old chicks were randomly divided into four different groups. For the first 9 weeks, each groups were fed with four different treatments: P1 type with 21,13% dietary protein, P2 type with 18,71% dietary protein, P3 type with 16,58% dietary protein, and P4 type with 14,79% dietary protein. At 9 weeks of age, each treatment group were then divided into 4 replications. Download pocket monsters green version j v10. The all chickens were then fed with P1 type feed until the end of the experiment during compensatory growth period. The variables observed were consumption (feed, protein, energy), the final body weight, the weight gain, the feed conversion, the protein efficiency ratio, and the energy efficiency ratio. The collected data were analysed using the one-way classification of variance analysis (CRD), followed by testing the significant means using The Duncan ’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT).