Raskraska Po Energosberezheniyu

Language claimed in HTML meta tag should match the language actually used on the web page. Otherwise Raskraska.ru can be misinterpreted by Google and other search engines. Our service has detected that Russian is used on the page, and neither this language nor any other was claimed in or tags.
Our system also found out that Raskraska.ru main page’s claimed encoding is windows-1251. Changing it to UTF-8 can be a good choice, as this format is commonly used for encoding all over the web and thus their visitors won’t have any troubles with symbol transcription or reading.

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There are 1 users using the Yasaka Rakza PO. With the new Rakza PO Yasaka has developed a short pimpled out rubber. Offering increased spin capacity, due to the shape of the pimpled geometry and the use of more natural gum in the top sheet.
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