Samsung Galaxy Gt I9003 Firmware Update

AOKP, Cyanogen Mod and Paranoid team has come together for coming out with the most stunning custom ROM firmware which is based on Jellybean 4.1.2 firmware version till now for. Though Samsung has forgotten this smartphone but neither developers nor AndroidAdvices have forgotten the device. So, over a period of this article we will be checking out on how to apply this Jellybam Android 4.1.2 firmware in your Galaxy SL I9003 smartphone. In the past few days we have been seeing many new custom ROM firmwares for various devices and time has come for the I9003 Galaxy SL users to experience the magic of Jellybean 4.1.2 firmware.

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Pre Requisites: • Create a backup of all the data with the help of below mentioned steps so as to make sure that just in case if the data gets wiped off or gets corrupted, the same can be restored with the help of below mentioned steps. Don’t create a backup of data with the help of KIES or ROM Manager as you may not be able to restore the data again. SMS – Use “”, Contacts –, Call Log – Images, Songs, Videos, Files – Copy to internal / External SD Card, APN and MMS Settings – Note down from the path “ Applications > Settings > Wireless and Network > Mobile Networks > Access Point Names” • Enable the USB Debugging from the path “Settings > Applications > Development > USB debugging”.

Ensure that the minimum battery life should be 30% so as to ensure that the phone doesn’t get turned Off in the middle of update. Disable / uninstall all the security suites installed in your phone. Disclaimer: Follow all the instructions mentioned in this article as if there is any damage caused due to not following instructions then we shall not be held liable or responsible. Just in case if you face any issues then we will try our level best to address the same. For applying this update, you will have to make sure that you have rooted your Galaxy SL I9003 which can be checked from the app called as “Root Checker” which can be downloaded from the Google PLAY Store. Just kin case if your phone is not rooted, you can root the same with the help of below mentioned steps, Once rooted you will have to download and install the ROM Manager app from the Google PLAY Store. Let’s head to the next page where we have summed up a detailed article on how to apply this firmware update.

GT-I9003 - Samsung Galaxy S SL Firmware Download. Galaxy S SL, GT-I9003, JED, I9003JPKPH, 2.3.6, 2012-02-21, 982987. Galaxy S SL, GT-I9003, XSG. Latest News and Firmware for your Samsung Devices! Firmwares provided by are not modified, provided 'as is' from Samsung/carrier servers, we are. Galaxy S SL, GT-I9003 XEVVietnam, I9003DXKP9, Android.