Shejrhoi Mirzo Tursunzoda Dust
/r/Iran -ians! I want to hear your favorite love songs. Doesn't matter which language it's in or whether it's in any language but music.
We were born because god wanted some people to spread the word about himself so he created Adem an Eve. (this answer is dumb and man this person is so STUPID!
By tsalas10) (this answer is not dumb and do not say i am STUPID because im not! Fpsc model pack list. By tsalas10) You were born because you parents wa nted to have you, to make your family legacy go on, and to have another family member but most of all, you were created because you parents wanted to raise you, and when you are an adult, help you live. Looking from a Catholic's point of view, I think God was created bythe universe itself and made earth to be His paradise planet.
Itmight seem that I am being very. Wrong about the paradise planetstatement, but then why is it the perfect planet? Because thetemperature is just right and evolution ch anges to adapt to theplanets ever-changing state. I believe that if God didn't exsistthen neither would evolution, because let's face it evolution is amiracle. But if you look at it from a scientific point of view thenit is very different. You would need to think about how theuniverse created itself and all the galaxies it holds. But then,who would have created the stars to make the big bang that createdour planet?
Well the universe could have, but then you have to askyourself another question. What made the gases that made ourplanet?
Answer: God was not created. He exists, period. He created time and space. The alphabet was created as a sort of short hand fromhieroglyphics. Instead of the characters representing words they were used to represent sounds vowels not included) and the words were concatenated collections of them. The inventors are usually consider to be Semitics from the middle east most co mmonly attributed to Phoenicians however there is certain evidence that they might be Hebrews. The earliest known written phonetic sentences are in the Siana desert carved on the wall of a cave by a Hebrew slave praying for release.