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A group of Dutch scientists have been testing out some of today’s “smart” electrical meters to check their accuracy, among other things. Not ones to disappoint, the scientists have found consistently With experiments lasting for six months, the researchers tried to focus on meters representative of those commonly used in the Netherlands and manufactured between 2004 and 2014. Moreover, the researchers tried to reproduce standard household energy consumption patters rather than focusing on stress tests. Their results? Well, “results varied wildly, with some meters reporting errors way above their disclosed range, going from -32% to +582%.
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Tests with uncommon results were repeated several times and the results were within a few percents of the original.” Moreover, “The greatest inaccuracies were seen when researchers combined dimmers with energy saving light bulbs and LED bulbs.” Not constrained to energy saving light bulbs, the inaccuracies are, ironically, tied to devices with integrated energy saving features. (Certainly makes us want to keep a ) “The reason for faulty readings appears to be the current sensor, and the associated circuitry,” said researchers. “The experimental results [] show that static energy meters can be pushed into faulty reading (positive and negative) if sufficiently fast pulsed currents are drawn by the consumer” It is worth noting that there is contradictory research published by “the European voice of the providers of smart energy solutions” that maintains that “there is no reason to question smart metering technology”. Still, we wouldn’t blame you if you. Thanks [acs] for sending this in!
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Jan 31, 2011 - this might work on analog meters, what about digital or smart meters? The easiest way to hack an analog meter will always be the needle method. How To: Recharge non-rechargeable batteries in seconds. Prepaid Meters is a global leader in prepaid and post paid utility billing solutions. We help utility providers, councils, embeded network operators, right down. Prepaid Meter Keygen Size: 2.2 MB.
• • • • Posted in, Post navigation. One of the problems with current sensors used in meters is that they are cheap and doesn’t have the frequency response to handle some high-frequency loads. The frequency response on CT sensors are usually less than the 8th harmonic (. So if a current transformer is no good, would the old fashioned method be better? IE an inline resistor? When I say resistor I suppose I mean a couple of feet of thick copper cable, something in milli-ohms or the like. Then measure the voltage across, using a sensitive amplifier.
While there are lots of very fast switch-mode PSUs around now, they’re usually pretty low power. Phone chargers and the like. I suppose consoles and computers use them, TVs too. Actually they’re probably more common than I thought. Not sure anything uses old-fashioned heavy iron transformers any more. Still, surely most power consumption is from things using raw mains, big motors and heaters?
Little DC electronic doodads must only be sucking a few dozen watts in an average house. As far as spikes too fast for the meter to notice, would putting a capacitor across the mains help? To effectively short or buffer any quick spikes. Small enough that it doesn’t carry significant current at 50 / 60Hz. Maybe I know of a friend’s, cousin’s, boyfriend’s, aunt, who observed a greater than expected drop in consumed power when 2 Walmart Great Value brand A19 60W replacement LED bulbs were put in a fitting dimmed with a standard old rotary dimmer.